Thursday, 3 November 2011

ape la nasib aku kene tag lagi -.-'

hamek setempek kene tag lagi ! hahaha ..2nd time !

Rules games ni :
1. You must post this rules.
2. Each person must post 11 things about themselves in their journal.
3. Answer the questions the tagger set for you in their post. And create eleven new question for the people you tagged to answer.
4. You have to choose 11 people to tag and link them on the post.
5. Go to their pages and tell them you have tagged HIM/HER.
6. No tag back.

let's proceed guys !

11 things about myself.

1. Nama dalam ic Nurfazidah binti Hamidin.
2. Menuntut d UiTM Johor, Kampus Segamat.
3. Anak bongsu
4. Anak jati Johor
5. Malayu + Banjar 
6. Punctual
7. Hate procrastination
8. Love reading
9. Sentiase ketawe dan buat lawak bile sedih
10. Suke memendam masalah
11. Suke pokpek pokpek  '

aimonaz's questions

when u start to blog?
during sem break..bru sebulan lbh..hehe

do u have a pet?
oh! x suke..especially aku yg takot kucing..hewhewhew..

blogging, reading, writing n,,mcm muet plak ! hahaha :D

what do you wanna be in another 10 years?
erm,,gud transporter,,bsnes woman..nak ade kedai buku sendiri..n gud wife n mummy ! wahhhhhh! :p

you height?
err,,da lame x uko..156 kot..x tngi sgt,,x pendek sgt..sng nk cri husband..hua3..

have you ever compose your own song?
never..sbb x minat..minat dgr lagu je..tu pn kdg2 x apal tajok lagu..haha.. my bad !

can you play music instrument? ske dgr bunyi piano n ad ati nak blaja men piano..ahh,,nanti2 je laa..

have you make any appearance on tv?
x..xd pluang n x minat cri publisiti :)

when do you think you can have your own car by using your own money?
after i got my job ! for sure sblm kawen..hehe..insyaAllah..

ideal women/man
kuat pegangan agame yg betul2 blh pimpin kluarge n brtggjwb..x gune kalo muke ensem tp xd ciri2 mcm ni..

give one word to describe urself..only one word.
funny kot ! :D

okeh,, 11 question from me..

prasaan korg kne tag? haha..
impian 10 thn akan dtg?
perkare paling sedih?
adiah pling brmkne yg pernah dpt?
kelemahan korg? x kesah dr aspek ape pun..
tarikh yg bermakne slen bday korg.
da prnh pegi menunaikan umrah @ haji? perasaan korg..
skrg tgh single @ couple?
brp bijik fon korg ade?
bende yg paling korg benci..
pencapaian korg stakat ni..?

that's all ! =)


hijrahSANGhati said...

okee, ada masa sy answer ur question yeahhh :)

syahirahfs said...

ak nak jawab soalan ka.. satu je..:) tarikh penting selain birthday... 23/12/09 hahahaha:)